Young Generation of the CNS unites young members of the CNS. The main goal of the Young Generation is to ensure that members meet, and thus help their development, gaining contacts and social ties in the nuclear community. The young generation regularly organizes events in Czech Republic and abroad.

The Young Generation of the Czech Nuclear Society (CYG) was founded on July 7, 1997. It is one of the sections of the CNS and is also a member of the Young Generation Network at the European Nuclear Society and the international organization International Youth Nuclear Congress. At present, it registers several dozen members from the university environment (FNSPE and FS - CTU, FEEC - BUT, FME - UWB), as well as from research centers (eg. Research Center Rez (CVŘ), Nuclear research Institute Rez (ÚJV Řež)) and other nuclear workplaces (Dukovany NPP, Temelin NPP, Škoda JS, ČEZ, State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) etc.).

The development of nuclear energy in the 21st century is entirely dependent on the emerging young generation, as the generation of professionals who have built today's nuclear industry and know-how over the past half-century is gradually leaving the right to a well-deserved rest after a lifelong effort. More and more young people must therefore be prepared to take the lead in the nuclear industry and research. That's the reason why the Czech Young Generation (CYG):

  • seeks to recruit and train young engineers, technicians, and other qualified personnel to work in the fields of nuclear technology – at schools and universities or in the nuclear industry itself,
  • seeks to create a space for establishing and maintaining contacts between young engineers, technicians and students of nuclear disciplines, as well as for building contacts and intensive exchange of experiences between older and younger generations,
  • helps with organizing professionally oriented seminars, conferences and meetings of experts, focusing primarily on the young generation, where young people have the opportunity to present their views and opinions (eg. St. Nicholas meetings in Brno),
  • supports active involvement of young people in the activities of the Czech Nuclear Society, including their involvement in leading positions,
  • seeks to create a space for joint communication and meeting of members of the "Young Generation" at European level and expands the international contacts of the young generation.